Fuck Neoliberalism…And Then Some
35 Kč
Simon Springer, Levi Gahman
In a long history of ruination and destruction, neoliberalism is the most recent and virulent form of capitalism.
From the pamphlet:
"Fuck Neoliberalism. That’s my blunt message. I could probably end my discussion at this point and it wouldn’t really matter. My position is clear and you likely already get the gist of what I want to say. I have nothing positive to add to the discussion about neoliberalism, and to be perfectly honest, I’m quite sick of having to think about it. I’ve simply had enough. For a time I had considered calling this paper ‘Forget Neoliberalism’ instead, as in some ways that’s exactly what I wanted to do.”
publisher: Active distribution
0 pages
Mimořádná otevírací doba:
út (17. 12.): 14.00–19.00,
st (18. 12.): 14.00–19.00,
čt (19. 12.): 14.00–19.00,
PO (23. 12.): 14.00–18.00